Kyla Something Bakes is officially a thing

Have you ever noticed that wherever life takes you, there are threads that tie you back to yourself? The little things that you do that bring you home in a way that nothing else can?

For me that is making in every sense of the word. I was lucky enough to grow up in a family of makers and we were often left to create whatever we desired with what we had. We made terrible messes…

When I had my first baby, I baked almost daily - it had become my therapy. It is the thing I know so well I can do it almost blindly and returns rhythm to my centre.

I love to share baked goods and the recipes. I do not believe in stowing away secret family recipes and hoarding the process... which brings me here…

Just over a year ago, my hubby and I moved our 5 kids into an older renovation home. The house needs love in every corner and we have loved slowly bringing her back to life. If renovations do not teach patience, I do not know what will...

That is all to say, I am dreaming and working towards having a functional kitchen once more. The kitchen is the heart of our home where magic happens. By selling the recipes of my heritage and my years of trial and error, I am inviting you to become part of the process of creating our home. The proceeds from this little shop will help to build our kitchen AND provide you will delicious baking - it's a win win!

Let's do this together! The Etsy shop can be found HERE!


Weakness for Vintage Linens


The Whimsy Rag Doll