Wanna know my dream vacation? I would meander from country to isle, city to village, across the countryside to visit artisans & beg them to teach me their craft. I would sit at their hearths & relish in their joy.

I fiercely believe in MAKING. Why?

Because I believe JOY is born when we connect our hearts with our hands. Pure magic.

Which is why I create patterns and tutorials for the things I make (mostly dolls!), - because making is joy & the more people making , means more JOY..

Every now and again I create original, heirloom dolls to share, in hopes that wherever they land, they carry the sparks of magic from the making & bring exquisite delight to their new homes.

I am a formally trained Interior Designer and Photographer. But guess what? Making dolls and playful things is in my bones. I just can't help it.

I made my first patterns to sell on Etsy when I enrolled in College for Interior Design at the age of 39. I was terrified!

I was afraid I would not have the technical prowess to keep up. I challenged myself to convert all my self-drafted sewing patterns I had created over the years into digital patterns.

If you are still curious about more personal info, here are some tidbits:

  • Mom to five & marvel I have not broken them yet. AND still married. I know, the wonders.

  • I am almost deaf & almost hearing. Legally I am 'severely deaf'; functionally, I am, well, functional. Maybe mildly aloof at times - it adds to my glamour. Being almost deaf has immensely shaped my life & creativity. Most days I wouldn't have it any other way. Generally, deafness is not seen in society. Glasses are smart, while hearing aids are geriatric. No heroine wears hearing devices - except me (wink)....& every other deaf person (double wink). We are out there.

  • I am a runaway Mormon, not to be confused with runway ;D - in other words, I do not practise the LDS faith anymore, but I spent most of my life immersed in it. Which is only relevant because it means I can MAKE things. Seriously guys… Mormons can make a whole lotta things. I grew up making in every way - often contriving to make whatever was our current fancy with whatever materials we had or could salvage. Making is in my blood. I have a deep love for my Heritage and hope to pass on the best of it to my babies.

If you are positively dying for any other information about me, shoot me an message. Otherwise, LET'S MAKE THINGS.

~ Kyla